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Helping your children learn the value of money - household spending
Do your children understand the value of money? Do you buy your children everything they want?

3 Steps to a Happy, Confident Child
Child development expert Dr Rosina McAlpine shows how to boost your child’s confidence and beat the back-to-school stress.

Inspiring and Empowering Parents and Children
Do you want to be an inspired parent? Do you want to be the best parent you can be?

The downside of rewarding and punishing your kids
Are your kids cooperative contributing members of your family or are you forever trying to get them to do the right thing and help out?

Enhance your child’s self-esteem, attitude and resilience.
A child with healthy self-esteem and a ‘can-do’ attitude is more likely to try new activities and be more successful in life.

Helping kids overcome the “green-eyed monster” of jealousy
Let’s face it everyone has faced the terrible “green-eyed monster” of jealousy at one time or another in their life, if not many times.

Getting kids to eat their vegetables
Every parent wants their children to grow up healthy and happy. Good health and order in life provide a strong foundation for wellbeing.

Positive attitude towards making mistakes
When you make a mistake, how do you experience it? Are you cross with yourself? Do you hear negative self-talk?

Creative writing for parents
There are so many benefits for parents and kids alike of spending time writing. Writing does the heart, spirit, and body a lot of good.

Helping Kids Manage Halloween Candy
Halloween is a fun time of year for kids (and adults). Getting dressed up, going out with friends and of course collecting candy.

Making treasured memories by having fun with the kids!
Do you feel like you’re rushing and on the go most of the time? If you do, you’re certainly not alone.

Raising caring and compassionate children
Calling children names like: annoying, demanding & greedy suggests that they are ‘fixed character traits’ that we just have to live with.

Developing your child’s listening skills helps them build lifelong relationships
We all want to be listened to right? Isn’t it wonderful when you share some exciting news with a family member and they listen attentively?

How to stop feeling guilty about not spending time with the children?
Explores the benefits of making a small amount of quality time available each day rather than worrying about trying to find a lot of time.

Help your kids develop a positive attitude towards making mistakes
Making mistakes is a natural part of life. Both children & adults alike will make mistakes particularly during the early stages of learning.

Teaching your children to conserve water in your home
Water is the basic building block for all life including humans, plants, insects and other animals on Earth, so without it we couldn’t exist

The 15 minute clean up
Children will feel more positive and work more effectively in an orderly environment.

Helping your kids manage their time: calendars and routines
Life is busy and to stay on top of everything I find routines and calendars really help.

Helping your children learn the value of money with household budgeting
Many children believe there are “endless supplies of money” that simply come out of an automatic cash machine.

Does your child have good self esteem or low self esteem?
In this video Dr Rosina talks about Self Esteem. Self esteem is at the heart of living a happy and fulfilling life.
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