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Does your child have limiting beliefs?
Many times parents ask me about what they can do to change their child’s behaviour.

Stress makes parents and children sick
And what about our children’s stress? Children have busy schedules, social issues and study pressures.

Self-esteem: more about internal validation than external praise
Think back to your childhood. Were you introverted or extroverted? Were you confident or insecure? Were you a risk taker or risk adverse?

New Super Hero Barbie: a good role model for young girls
Did you have a Barbie doll as a child? Like the many girls around the world who have grown up with one or more Barbie dolls.

Talking about self esteem and self confidence
Dr Rosina talks about her personal experiences growing up and the effect on self esteem & confidence parents can have in their child's lives

Life Skills for Kids - Personal Power
The importance of children developing life skills and how to develop their Personal Power - Self Esteem and Self Confidence.

Dr Rosina talks about Health and Wellbeing
Dr Rosina McAlpine on the importance of children developing the life skills around health and wellbeing.

Raising Inspired Babies – Part 3
Every expectant mother wishes for a stress and illness free pregnancy and hopes for an easy birth – but it does not always work out that way

Raising Inspired Babies – Part 2
I interviewed Jan on the Inspired Children Radio Show and she shared her extensive knowledge and insights.

Raising Inspired Children – Part 1 Making Inspired Babies
Raising Inspired Children begins even before the baby is conceived.

Discipline that supports good self-esteem: focusing on behaviour rather than the child
When disciplining, our communication can support our children to develop of a strong sense of self or it can make them doubt themselves.

The funny side of parenting
Dr Rosina talks about the funny side of parenting.

The Importance of Attachment
Attachment is an emotional bond and connection to another person.

Does your child have good friends?
Friendship is such an important part of life. Just one true friend can make all the difference when your child needs support.

‘Treats’ or ‘weekend food’
Parents often call sweets, chocolates, crisps, cakes and biscuits ‘treats’.

Understanding and claiming personal power
Does your child give their power away to other people or things outside them?

Understanding the difference between self-esteem and self-confidence.
Did you know that self-esteem and self-confidence are NOT the same even though most people use the words interchangeably?

You can boost your child’s self-esteem and help them to be bully-proof
Now with technology, bullying can be relentless and many children experience it on a day-to-day basis, both in person and online.

Positive attitude to parenting
Learn how positive psychology can help parents and children have a positive attitude to life and develop resilience to overcome life’s chall

Does your child talk too much and interrupt? Learn how to help them communicate effectively.
Here are some of the things I’ve learned from various experts and tried in our home. I can tell you we have made some good progress...
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