Today children are experiencing unprecedented rates of childhood anxiety and depression. Are you worried that you or your child might be depressed? In this 3 part video series, Dr Rosina interviews Dr Samantha Madhosingh, a clinical psychologist known as the emotional wellness doctor.
In Part 1: Recognising depression
You’ll learn about the many signs of depression so you can recognise them in your young child, teen or in adults. The signs are different for young children and teens, and the sooner you can seek help the better. Dr Madhosingh shares in her experience of depression in her teens of her own journey of recovering from depression in adulthood.
Part 2: The 5 Keys Toward Emotional Freedom
Key 1: Discover Purpose and Passion
Key 2: Dissolving Emotional Blockages
Key 3: Living Fearlessly
Part 3: The 5 Keys Toward Emotional Freedom
Key 4: Unshakable Self-Confidence
Key 5: Owning your Magnificence