I'm sure everyone knows an adult or two who struggle to manage their emotions and behaviours right? So how do people learn self-regulation?
As your children grow under your guidance and loving care, you help them to learn how to eat well, exercise, get enough rest, manage their emotions and gain the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the world safely and happily. Overtime, the aim is for us parents and carers to “do ourselves out of a job” as our children learn to take care of their own physical, emotional, social and psychological wellbeing so they’re ready to leave home and lead their own lives.
Supporting children to learn to self-regulate is key to life success.
If you'd like to learn more about:
● What self-regulation is
● The benefits of this important skill for children
● Examples of self-regulation in relation to:
Managing emotions
Navigating the world of "thoughts" for psychological wellbeing
controlling behaviours
● Strategies to support children to develop ability to self-regulate
Then listen in to this short and informative podcast with Nick Rheinberger and parenting expert Dr Rosina McAlpine on ABC Illawarra
By listening in, parents and carers have a better understanding of the many benefits of self-regulation with practical ways to support their children to learn this important skill for life success.