Talking to Pre-schoolers about Bodies, Boundaries and Baby-Making

Has your pre-schooler started asking questions like “Where did I come from”? “How did I get in your tummy?” “How did I get out of your tummy mummy”? Or “Why do girls have a vagina and boys have a penis”?

And perhaps you’ve you found your children touching their private parts or even showing them to their friends and you’ve been unsure of how to handle it.

Each of these situations can cause a great deal of stress for parents who don’t feel confident or even know where to begin to answer their young child’s questions about sex and sexuality. Now you know that saying “that’s a good question, ask your father”, or “I don’t know, ask you mother” is just going to get you into trouble!

There is NO need to worry as you’ll get all the information, tips and strategies you’ll need to handle these kind of situations with your children in a healthy and safe way in this interview.

Join Dr Rosina, entertaining and educational parenting expert as she interviews Amy Lang who is an author and sexual health educator and enjoys helping parents have talk with their kids about sex from pre-schooler to teens. You can find out more about Amy, her books and her programs at her website.

This show is filled with down to earth practical tips that work and you’ll learn:

  • The place to start – correct names for privates. Why to use them, what words to use and how to introduce the “new” names.

  • Playing Doctor – what’s typical and what’s not. Why kids play this way, what’s going on in their heads, examples of typical and not typical scenarios – the difference between curiosity based play and sexualized play.

  • Non-shaming ways to help young children respect boundaries. You’ll even get the specific script to use – if you’re not sure what to say, and why it’s important to stay calm and keep your cool.

  • When and how to talk about making babies. When to start and why it’s best to start young! What to say, how long you can safely put it off.

Who’s the one with the problem about talking about sex – you or your child? After today – you’ll feel more confident to have the “birds and the bees talk”. You know, the closer bond you have with your young child the easier it will be to navigate the teen years together. The way you parent can have a positive or negative impact on your relationship with your child and your child’s long-term mental health.

Research shows that higher parental care, lower parental control and the more open the relationship are more likely to lead to greater mental wellbeing for children. Do you find the controlling approach of discipline, punishment and rewards model you’re using with the kids isn’t working? Would you like a research and heart-based approach that is founded on empathy and education and supports you to develop a close bond with your child? Dr Rosina’s practical Win Win Parenting approach where you’ll get great tips, resources and support to lovingly raise well-rounded and capable kids from toddlers to teens.

Screaming at the kids more than you’d like? Are you struggling with parenting in general? Just like a personal trainer can help you get the health outcomes you want, let me be your personal parenting coach. You can get the ongoing support you need with my 12 month online program. Learn at your own pace with videos, audios and articles to help you handle day-to-day parenting challenges, get your parenting questions answered and join our community forum where you can share with like-minded parents – all for around US $16 a month. A tiny investment for more peace of mind and more peace in your home. You and your family are worth it!

Dr Rosina’s practical Win Win Parenting approach empowers you to raise well-rounded and capable kids from toddlers to teens, get great tips, resources and support.